Assessing the Impact of Brand Loyalty on Tobacco Purchasing Decisions and Spending Patterns


  • Dipakkumar Kanubhai Sachani Business Analyst, Arth Energy Corporation, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA



Brand Loyalty, Consumer Behavior, Spending Patterns, Brand Preference, Consumer Loyalty, Tobacco Consumption, Purchase Decisions


This study examines how brand loyalty affects tobacco industry expenditure patterns and purchase decisions. The study's primary aims were to investigate the impact of brand loyalty on customer behavior, appraise the efficacy of tobacco corporations' marketing tactics, and analyze the consequences for public health and consumer welfare. A review process based on secondary data was utilized, combining empirical evidence from government publications, industry reports, and academic journals. Important discoveries show that brand loyalty significantly influences tobacco purchase decisions, customer preferences, and spending habits. Advertising, promotions, and sponsorships are marketing tactics vital in building brand loyalty and influencing consumer behavior. Brand loyalty questions its implications for consumer welfare and public health outcomes to counteract the negative consequences. As a result, evidence-based policies and regulatory measures are required. The significance of comprehensive tobacco control measures, regulatory interventions, and public health initiatives in promoting better choices and addressing public health concerns related to tobacco smoking is highlighted by the policy implications.


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How to Cite

Sachani, D. K. (2020). Assessing the Impact of Brand Loyalty on Tobacco Purchasing Decisions and Spending Patterns. ABC Research Alert, 8(3), 147–159.